What Flash made possible and its guarantees: At a time where the web was at its worst Adobe Flash Player created the possibility to add web-based video, animation, and interactivity, making websites more attractive. It guaranteed the content would look and behave the same way for anyone who loaded it, regardless of what type of browser or computer they were using. Flash's performance regarding Apple, Facebook, and YouTube: In 2007 Apple decided not to support Flash in the newly introduced iPhone. Steve Jobs wrote on the Apple website in 2010 that the problem with Flash was that it was insecure and resource-intensive, and its plugin was overly proprietary. Jobs made the case for HTML5 and JavaScript, pointing out that they were based on open standards that web browser could build on. In spite of this Flash remained an integral part of the web. YouTube's video player was still built on Flash, along with Facebook's Farmville and Words with Friends. For YouTube HTML5...